An Altar is a supernatural system of authorization for the spirit realm to have entrance and encounter with the physical realm. Here, we shall be talking about righteous altars that are holy unto the Lord.

No man is greater than his altar. Show me your altar and the commitment you make therein, and I will tell you whom you are. Who you are today is a direct reflection of the altar you have raised. Your speed in life depends on the power of your altar. If you don’t raise your own altar, you’ll become a victim of another man’s altar. What makes one man more powerful than another is the quantity and quality of sacrifices he offers consistently upon his altar. What makes one man of God supersede another can be traced to his personal altar life. Quite evidently, those families that take their altars seriously live more notable lives and stand out in the community.
This, therefore, lends credence to the fact that one’s personal altar is the taproot of his spiritual life. The deeper this taproot, the taller your life grows; the more resilient you get, the more you boom and flourish, and the more relevant you are to your world – just like the palm tree.
Finally, we learnt that it is sacrifice that makes an altar speak. Without sacrifices, an altar can’t unleash what it has in store. There’s no access to the spiritual that costs nothing! This is why spiritual men like David said; “I cannot appear before God empty-handed.”
They that do know their God shall be strong and shall do exploits!
Shalom Aleichem!