Prophetic Counseling
    No 2 Ayinke Timson Drive,
    Opposite Agip Estate,
    Satellite Town,
    Lagos State – Nigeria.

  • Counseling Center

Prophetic Counseling

Amos 3:7

Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.

Prophetic Counseling is guidance, mentoring and instruction based on a solid foundation from the Word of God and carefully listening to the Holy Spirit for impartation and anointing.

The conversations are confidential and recorded so that you will have a way to reference your notes without having to write them while we spend time with the most important aspect of the conference getting to the core of the issues at hand.

This concept behavior is found throughout the Bible when people sought out the Seers and Prophets for spiritual direction. The Seers and Prophets had personal relationships with the Lord and that is the case today of those who have dedicated their lives to the Lord.

As it was with the Seers, Prophets and Ministers of the Gospel throughout the Bible they were compensated by free will offering and gifts of love which is what you should do when you receive a word from the Lord!

Prophetic Counseling is much like Personal Prophecy except that it is interactive in nature and involves more time. The anointing is often much heavier in this setting which explains why the scriptures speak often of kings and leaders “sitting before the prophet” and finding keys to overcome in battle, surmount massive obstacles and fulfill their destiny.

Come and receive the word from the mouthpiece of God!