The role of the woman in marriage

The role of the woman in marriage

From the Biblical point of view in the Old Testament (Genesis 2:18), the woman is presented as helper fit for the man. She is the bone of his bone and the flesh of his flesh. God the Creator of mankind from the beginning established the family.

Women have been accorded important position in the home and family from time immemorial. A good woman is described in the Bible as a good fortune (Proverbs 14:1), and a gift from God (Proverbs 19:14), and a crown to her husband.

Women are expected to be like the virtuous woman described in Proverbs 31:10-16, who provides for her family in every area. They are to take good care of their homes and husbands as they are the mirror to their husbands and children.

Women are in charge in the management and training of the children because child training is not an easy task. In the African society, children are believed to imitate the mother more than any other person. A mother is often blamed for the child’s mistakes.

She is also to cater for the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the family.

She is also expected to inculcate in the children the virtues of obedience, tolerance, love, kindness, discipline, responsibilities, honesty and above all, the fear of God.

She is expected to use the available resources effectively to cater for the family.


RESPECT: A woman should respect her husband as the head of the family, she dares not oppose him to avoid hostility. She must be submissive to her husband. See Ephesians 5:22-24.

OBEDIENCE: A woman needs to obey her husband because when the man is pleased with her, she will enjoy every bit of her life. She must adorn herself with holiness and sobriety. 1st Peter 3:1-6.

CLEANLINESS: A woman should ensure that every place in the home is thoroughly cleaned. She should also always wear something nice.

KEEPING SECRETS: A woman should be careful when she talks so that she doesn’t end up exposing the secrets of the husband and the family. Proverbs 11:13

SUMMARY: Husbands and wives should partner with each other and together with Christ to build a godly home, and raise responsible children.

CONCLUSION: Team work as husbands and wives is essential to achieve success in our families and to achieve our divine purposes on earth.


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