How To Know If Your Star Is Working

How To Know If Your Star Is Working

You can be careless with other things but not with your star. I will show you the role your star plays in your wealth-being on this planet. (READ Genesis 26:4). You will also know what it means to have one’s star and destiny blocked.

When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, his star appeared in the east before some wise men; and when we say wise men we mean spiritual people. And they interpreted his star to be that of a king. So they decided to see who this mighty one that is given birth to among the sons of men. In their mind, they felt the child must be one of the sons of the king, so they went to the palace where Herod was king over the territory. As they saw him, they inquired, ‘’where is he that is born the king of the Jews?’’ (See Matthew 2:1-23). We saw his star in the east and we have come to pay homage. Herod became infuriated to know that someone has been born who will take over the throne, and he ordered that all children born at that time should be killed. But when they came to the Manger where the child was, they worshipped him.

Your star is responsible for whether good things will be attracted to your life or whether bad omens will follow you. Every human has a star and the content of each star is the glory of the sons of God. But, if your star is tampered with or exchanged, you will start noticing that bad things are coming your way. We existed somewhere in the universes of God before we were born into this world. In that place, we lived as princes as co-heirs with our Lord Jesus. Our star is the spirit that connects us to that glory that we had before we were born here. This world is not our own. We are strangers in this world. That is why, we came in empty, and we went empty. Your star is the channel through which what belongs to you in the universal realm comes to you and if it is blocked you will be moving in circles without achieving anything. In this epistle, I will show you how to find out if your star is tampered with and how you can restore it.

The witchcraft kingdom is a company of thieves who steal from people who are spiritually ignorant and who are carnal. Among them are stargazers, warlocks, and necromancers. They take people’s stars to divert their blessings to their kingdom. And as they do that, the person will be suffering in this life. (See Deuteronomy 18:10-11, and Zechariah 5:1-11). Witchcraft is a business of wickedness. It is what the Bible refers to as spiritual wickedness in high places. (See Ephesians 6:12, and Psalm 14:4). Through sorcery and divination they tamper with people’s stars and sometimes they exchange the glory of people. Many of the mad people you see on the road are under one form of witchcraft spell or the other. Just a few of them are under a curse. Witches steal because their kingdom is part of the dark kingdom. And darkness is a place of emptiness and wilderness. So to keep the affairs of their kingdoms running they have to steal from people. The lines below show how you can stop their activities around you.  The star of men is a pencil. It writes on the walls of our hemisphere the plans of God for us. It works with the Sun and other stars to cause the manifestation of the book written concerning you before you came into this world. (See Psalm 40:7, and Judges 5:20). The apostate angels are also represented in the cosmos as stars. When a person’s life lacks direction in this world, it is a sign that the bigger stars are interfering with his own star in the heavenly realms. Some natural problem that stars go through is caused by the interference of planetary bodies or celestial bodies against one’s star.

If you are going through any of the following, it is a sign that your star is being tampered with:

  • It looks as if you are advancing in life but at the end of the year, you find yourself still in one place;
  • You hardly finish anything you start;
  • People hardly help you;
  • You always see yourself eat in the dream;
  • You make love in the dream;
  • You saw yourself being beheaded in the dream;
  • You saw someone wearing your face in the dream;
  • You saw a friend or another person putting on your clothing in the dream;
  • Lack of fulfillment.
  • When it always seems as if something is sapping your efforts in life.

Before a human being is born into this world, the star of the child will appear in the skies for many days. There are stargazers among the evil ones in this world who read people’s stars and try to thwart the plans of God for their lives. I always tell pregnant women to pray for their children in the womb and cover them with the blood of Jesus. (See Psalm 58:3).

Most of the children that have autism, renal diseases, hole in the heart; cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and abnormalities in their body formation are children whose coming was tampered with in their mother’s womb. Do you know that there are children that are possessed of witchcraft even while they are still in the womb? This world is becoming fearful. When a woman is pregnant she is advised to avoid chewing gums, eating edible chalks, and eating any of the animals which the Lord commanded us not to eat like bats, pigs, and others, (See Leviticus Chapter Eleven).

To restore your star, pray with Psalms 40, 45, 121, and Psalm 136, recite each Psalm four times during the day; then plead the blood of Jesus over your head 21 times and anoint your forehead. This can be done repeatedly until you begin to see changes in your dream and in your physical plane of existence. Brethren, if you need prophetic assistance for the restoration of your glory, star, and destiny, feel free to contact us immediately.


  • Jesus Christ: Our Lord Jesus Christ can be seen as a man with all virtues in him. He only is our perfect example of virtues that we can proudly emulate.
  • Abraham: The virtue of exceptional level of faith can be seen in Abraham when he wanted to sacrifice his only son, also the virtue of great obedience can be seen in the life of our Father Abraham when he diligently obeyed God when he was asked to leave his father’s land and move to another place and also when he was asked to sacrifice his only son, he diligently obeyed. These are great virtues that can be emulated and developed in our daily lives.
  • Joseph: We can have the virtue dreams and of loyalty in Joseph by being loyal to his master and refusing to have an affair with his master’s wife. Also the virtue of holy life and obedience to the will of God can be seen in the life of Joseph by refusing to have an illegal affair, knowing very well that such an act will grieve God, rather he decided to maintain a pure and holy life by fleeing from his master’s wife.
  • Daniel: The virtue of dream interpretation and exceptional excellence can be seen in the life of Daniel, which made him ten times wiser and preferred far beyond his contemporaries, also the virtue of obedience can be seen in Daniel when a mandate was give that no one should pray but his passion to obey God was still intact and he prayed not minding the consequences behind it.


  1. Psalm 11:7 “For the righteous LORD loveth righteousness; his countenance doth behold the upright” My Father, I thank you for your immense love and care, showered upon me.
  2. Philippians 4:19 “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus” My Father, I thank you for your provision and supply upon me and my household in Jesus name.
  3. Psalm 107:1 “O give thanks unto the LORD, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever” My Father, I thank you for your forgiving Mercy and grace upon me and my family in Jesus name.
  4. Oh Lord, all my glorious virtue taken away by the wicked ones, I claim back by fire in Jesus name.
  5. Oh Lord, in your anger, silence every power struggling with my great virtues in Jesus name.
  6. My Father, expose and disgrace every plan of the evil ones to destroy my glorious stars in Jesus name.
  7. My Father, make me untouchable and unreachable for the wicked ones planning to steal my virtues in Jesus name.
  8. My Father, Make my life, destiny, career, family, business, marriage and ministry a danger for every spiritual thief planning to steal my virtues in Jesus name.
  9. Oh Lord, demolish every demonic altar serving as source of power to all spiritual thieves attacking me in Jesus name.
  10. My Father, arise in your anger and send confusion into the camp of everyone plotting to steal my glorious virtues in Jesus name.
  11. My Father, give me the grace to use and utilize effectively all the glorious virtues you place in me in Jesus name.
  12. Oh Lord, protect me and fortify me against every spiritual hijacker and thieves in Jesus name.
  13. Oh Lord, today I claim back my glorious destiny from the hand of every witch and wizard in Jesus name.
  14. My Father, in your power, strike down every strongman standing against the fulfillment of my glorious destiny in Jesus name.
  15. My Father, bomb and consume by fire every enemy delegated to steal my great stars in Jesus name.
  16. Oh Lord, I command every evil gang up against my glorious destiny to scatter by fire in Jesus name.
  17. Oh Lord, I command every seat of the ancestral forces of my lineage, standing against my destiny’s fulfillment to be removed and burnt up by fire in Jesus name.
  18. Oh Lord, I decree that every unrepentant enemy standing in the way of my glorious star to be swallowed up by fire in Jesus name.
  19. Oh Lord, every door standing against my great stars and future shall be removed and burnt up in Jesus name.
  20. My Father, I decree that every waste planning to waste me and shall be wasted in Jesus name.
  21. Oh Lord, I command every power and force holding down by glorious stars and destiny to lose their grip right now in Jesus name.
  22. My Father, every demonic where my glorious stars are placed shall be burnt up and my glorious virtues shall be released in Jesus name.
  23. Oh Lord, I command every evil authority standing and sitting on my glorious star to be removed and wasted in Jesus name.
  24. Oh Lord, I proclaim my authority and dominion over all my stars in Jesus name.
  25. My Father, disgrace every evil conspiracy against my destiny fulfillment in Jesus name.
  26. Oh Lord, arise in your power and deliver me from the claws of every oppressor, oppressing my life and destiny in Jesus name.
  27. My Father, right now break every covenant in my life that gives permission to spiritual thieves in my life in Jesus name.
  28. Oh Lord, I snatch my great star and glory from the grip of the enemy in Jesus name.
  29. Oh Lord, every arrow targeted at me to render me useless in my family and generation shall backfire to the sender in Jesus name.
  30. Oh Lord, I will never be a victim of spiritual thieves, wasters and hijackers in Jesus name.
  31. My Father, hide me and my glorious star under the Shadow of your wings in Jesus name.
  32. My Father, every plot of the enemy to render me stranded and empty shall be wasted in Jesus name.
  33. Oh Lord, strike with thunder and fire any individual on evil assignment to steal my star in Jesus name.
  34. Oh Lord, this is my season of decoration, decorate me, my business, family, marriage, career, academics and ministry in Jesus name.
  35. My Father, go to my foundation and uproot every plant planted by the evil ones against my manifestation in Jesus name.
  36. My Father, break every chain serving as embargo to my fulfillment and announcement in Jesus name.
  37. Oh Lord, I undo every wickedness done against my destiny and star in Jesus name.
  38. Oh Lord, I command all the powers that swallow my glorious star to vomit them by fire right now in Jesus name.
  39. My Father, I command the network and connection of household enemies against my glorious star to be disconnected and rendered powerless in Jesus name.
  40. Oh Lord, I declare that as from today, my glorious star and destiny shall and manifest for the world to see in Jesus name.

Thank you LORD for answered prayers. AMEN!



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