Do you know that everything begins and ends in the spirit realm?
If you will be in good shape, it starts from the spirit realm and if you will be in bad circumstances, it also starts there. Before any calamitous circumstances will come to a person it must first happen to him or in the spirit realm, and he or she will see it in his dreams. Every wildfire is kindled from the forest; the spirit realm is like a forest. The spirit realm is at the center of our microcosm from where everything we see in the physical emanates. As a victorious end-time believer, you need spiritual knowledge, and this book is loaded with wisdom from the LORD.
This book is a blessing given to mankind through His servant, Prophet Dr Eugene Godman,whom the Lord has been using to set the captives free from the shackles of spiritual ignorance and bondage of the dark forces.
Your dreams can show your past, your present, and your future. Let me show you why they say, money can’t buy life. When an opaque cup forms a shadow in a dark room that is partially lit, it appears as if it’s a cup pouring out water. The spirit realm is like a moon’s shadow. It reflects what is undercover in reality. The Creator of the universe is the Spirit-person from whom all things proceed: He created visible and invisible things; everything that exists in the Universe or the intergalactic regions has different manifestations in their bodily forms.
There is a material part of every created thing and an immaterial part. The immaterial part of it is called the spirit realm. God created spirit beings and spirit habitations. When He releases the spirit of His word it forms something according to His good pleasure. See deeper things in this book, fresh from the press. It’s a masterpiece.
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